MSM Little Sapling Application

Little Sapling Market Application
***Emails of acceptance to the Mustard Seed Market, will be sent out within a week of applying. It will include details of booth spaces and logistics.
The $20 fee, is asked to be to a gift card to a local restaurant. Gift cards will then be provided to a local non-profit to be distributed to local families in need. Please bring "gift card" to market and present to vendor check in upon arrival.
For each 10x10 space, Mustard Seed Market provides you with 2 vendor passes. Ex. 10x30= 6 vendor passes provided. If more are required, please provide the amount needed in the above field. There will be a $5 charge on your invoice for each additional pass required.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Please attach a few pictures of a past booth display as well as a few pictures of the product you are wanting to bring to the Mustard Seed Market.